
About style 1

Hello and welcome

Fish House Philosophy

For the best in food, service, value and atmosphere, you can’t choose our restaurant. We guarantee you the freshest seafood, delivered daily to our dock, prepared to your liking.

About Our Location

All our locations are providing a wonderful open-air venue to enjoy meal all year round, we offer both indoor and alfresco dining and our focus is on serving the absolute freshest fish and seafood.




Our team

Don Robins

Don Robins

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Mark Priston

Mark Priston

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Ronda Shore

Ronda Shore

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Happy guests say

For those who love seafood
And who cares about the taste, flavors and tasting only
Great fun place and delicious food worth every penny
Without flashiness, view, decorations, or music
You are going to eat and just enjoy eating
As if you were in a seafood place in Alexandria, eating on a table in the street, concentrating on eating, and enjoying every bite
Honestly, I thank them and I will definitely go to them again

J M.

Excellent food, delicious taste, and the restaurant has no fish smell. The fish is fresh and the cleaning is very clean. There is a variety in the orders between the Saudi, Egyptian, Sanjari, Rada, and the Lebanese with olive oil, the Harra fish, and the red and white meat. Also, garlic, lemon, and Mexican fajitas

Moni Deeb

I was hesitant to try the alanfoushi restaurant's food at first, but then I decided to give it a try and it was a beautiful experience. Honestly, the food was delicious and fast. The fried fish and shrimp were the best for me. Inshallah, I will visit them again for a second and third time.

M al Ghamdi

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